Basic mobile advertising technology - New technology interaction opportunities come daily. It seems like just yesterday the mobile devices got familiar with Bluetooth technology and today it gives us an opportunity to create a full service (high-quality service) advertising campaigns! Today we have beacons that are small Bluetooth based radio signal transmitter. This simple device is broadcasting signals repeatedly to be seen by other devices around of them. For retail marketers using beacons means reaching the right person at the right time with the right message. And this is the basics of every busine >> Read More
A long time ago in 2015 Google gets closer to launching its own line of smart devices, which later became known as BLE-devices (Bluetooth light energy). It was the beginning of the Era of Exchange of Information between the person, the location where he is, and its mobile device. Today beacon technology is changing the way consumers interact with companies or businesses. Every day developers are trying to make these devices more helpful and revolutionizing in order to help, for example, the retail marketers measure the offline impact of online ads - they call it beacon advert >> Read More
Proximity Marketing Technology is becoming more popular every day There are a lot of new opportunities are opening up in everyday life as well as in business those are unrivalled, especially in their simplicity and technology cost. One of the tools you need to know is the proximity marketing technology that helps to create inexpensive effective marketing campaigns in different business areas. Proximity marketing means that the information has been broadcasted to the consumer >> Read More
Where did beacon technology begin? We can start with the introduction of iBeacon that is simply a protocol that lets Bluetooth devices broadcast very small bits of information.Then Google, in 2015, Google came out with Eddystone, their iBeacon alternative. Since then, iBeacon and Eddystone are on the head of the proximity market. Now, beacon technology is continuing to develop giving us more diverse solutions. Beacons are already being used for tracking, navigation, interaction, security, analysis. And we will touch here the retail marketing activity area that is very interesting for retailers! We will talk about proximity techno >> Read More
Mobile technology is nearby! We live in a world where the progress keeps us moving forward. Maybe it is not always a plus for our business activity but saying about the popular today in retail world beacon device, which began as an apple size device - today they’re like stickers that can be placed on walls or objects. The smaller and less they are, the easier they become to use. Bluetooth low-energy (BLE) wireless technology help retailers to delive >> Read More